How To Not Quit Your MinistryUnderstand and overcome the 9 common pressure points facing all ministry leaders.
Hard copies available on Amazon here.

Ministry is hard. Failing to address the common pressures can lead to burnout, frustration, and a premature exit.
In How to Not Quit Your Ministry, Mike Cavanaugh shares the insights he has learned over 40 years in ministry—as a pastor, denominational Executive, ministry director, and Bible college president—to enable him to overcome the incredible pressures to quit the ministry.
In this free eBook from Mike Cavanaugh, you’ll learn:
- 9 common pressure points that bring ministry leaders to the end of themselves.
- How to get a new definition of ministry that liberates ministers’ hearts and sets them free to be who God has called them to be
- Experience a fresh surrender in three critical areas that turns the book from a head analysis to a heart encounter.
You’ll want to read this book for yourself—and for the ministers you care about.
"Pastors need to hear this! The weaving of personal experience was done well. I've never heard anyone say this like Mike Cavanaugh has."Rev. Bruce Lengeman, Author & Pastor
About Mike Cavanaugh
- Published author selling over 100K copies
- Founder of BASIC College Ministries and Mobilized to Serve singles ministry
- Pastor of a rural church that grew to nearly 1000 strong in 20 years
- Led campaign to build 60,000 sq/ft ministry center
- After 20 years, he successfully transitioned leadership of his church to a 27-year-old next generation pastor
- Trained hundreds in how to preach effectively
- Led Elim Bible Institute and College into full accreditation while President
- Raised over $25 million over the course of his career
- His wife and children love him