How to Lead Your Ministry through ChangeIdentify the 7 greatest barriers to change facing most leaders.
Hard copies available on Amazon here.
Anyone who has ever led a ministry knows that one of the biggest challenges a leader faces is leading through change.
In How to Lead your Ministry through Change, Mike Cavanaugh shares the insights he has learned over 40 years in ministry—as a pastor, denominational Executive, ministry director, and Bible college president—that enable your ministry to adapt to change.
In this free eBook from Mike Cavanaugh, you’ll learn:
- The 7 greatest barriers to change
- The 5 simple principles that have never failed Mike in guiding a ministry through change
- How to surrender to your call to become a change agent
This book is made for busy people and can be read in 1 hour.
"Change is necessary and pretty much inevitable. The question that Mike proposes is "Will you lead change?"Chris Ball, President, Elim Fellowship
About Mike Cavanaugh
- Published author selling over 100K copies
- Founder of BASIC College Ministries and Mobilized to Serve singles ministry
- Pastor of a rural church that grew to nearly 1000 strong in 20 years
- Led campaign to build 60,000 sq/ft ministry center
- After 20 years, he successfully transitioned leadership of his church to a 27-year-old next generation pastor
- Trained hundreds in how to preach effectively
- Led Elim Bible Institute and College into full accreditation while President
- Raised over $25 million over the course of his career
- His wife and children love him