Defining Success for the Small ChurchThe 10 areas of church health in which any church can grow—no matter the size

Hard copies available on Amazon here.

What you measure becomes the standard that guides you.

If the success of a church is measured by attendance, finances, and building size, it is impossible for leaders of small churches to feel they are fulfilling God’s calling. Unfortunately, most church podcasts, books, and resources don’t focus on these situations.

In Defining Success for the Small Church, Mike Cavanaugh redefines success by identifying areas in which any church can grow—no matter its size.

In this free eBook from Mike Cavanaugh, you’ll learn:

  • The 10 areas of church health in which a church can grow
  • Why understanding your church’s value zone is critical
  • How to shift your paradigm to healthy thinking about church finances
  • That true connection with guests has nothing to do with church size

This book is made for busy people and can be read in 1 hour.

"This book goes beyond the conceptual to a hands-on, real-world approach to ministry health. You can tell it was written by a pastor who has lived out these principles."Craig Campbell, Lead Pastor at Freedom Church

About Mike Cavanaugh

  • Published author selling over 100K copies
  • Founder of BASIC College Ministries and Mobilized to Serve singles ministry
  • Pastor of a rural church that grew to nearly 1000 strong in 20 years
  • Led campaign to build 60,000 sq/ft ministry center
  • After 20 years, he successfully transitioned leadership of his church to a 27-year-old next generation pastor
  • Trained hundreds in how to preach effectively
  • Led Elim Bible Institute and College into full accreditation while President
  • Raised over $25 million over the course of his career
  • His wife and children love him